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Add % of passed test on RQM reports. How it is possible to do it?

Pascal Jean (6013041) | asked Aug 08 '18, 8:35 a.m.


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This is a question for RQM 6.0.2 about the customization of RQM reports.
We would like to see on reports an information about the % of Execution progress.

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Basically, we need to have a report for exporting the Execution Progress Percentage on each Test Suite and in the overall interested Test Plan.
As of now we’re using the Standard Report “TSER_Listing” which is correctly reporting total number of TCs on each Test suite and #passed, #failed etc.
What is missing in this report is a % of #passed over the total (for each record= for each test suite but also in the overall Test Plan).

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Does exist a way to have this info, which is a basic info for any test stream or if not possible to have on TSER_Listing if there is another Report you would suggest to report the Execution progress on Test Plan and Test Suite basis.

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<o:p> I </o:p>  tried also to use the Report Builder but it is not powerful enough.

Thank you in advance
Pascal Jean

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Accepted answer

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Aug 09 '18, 3:21 a.m.

 Please use "Test Statistics" or "Test Matrix" or "Execution Status by Points" dash board widget. There is a option to either list counts / points or percentage.

Pascal Jean selected this answer as the correct answer

Pascal Jean commented Aug 09 '18, 4:01 a.m.

Thank you Subhajit, we will dig into direction.

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