RQM API Utility error: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
5 answers
If the attachments are MS Word files, I believe you could use RPE (Rational Publishing Engine) to generate the report and display the content of the embedded files within the PDF report output. If they are other file types, then there is a method to use RPE to generate a report in Word Format, then uses RQM Url Utility to get the embedded files out to a folder, and runs a Word macro to embed them as icons in the Word report. Still must open the embedded files to see them from Word, but at least they are not just links that may not be accessible by all readers.
I've not seen the error you are getting, but I wonder if you have the correct version of RQM URL Utility. It does appear to get updated for most every release of RQM.
I think the 6.0.5 version is here :
Rational Quality Manager URL Utility
One more thought.
You might try executing the RQMUrlUtility jar using a command line with a additional switch to specify the protocol like this,
java -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.transport.client.protocol=TLSv1.2 -jar ...
Not sure what else to suggest. When I ran into issues with the utility I tried running it from a Windows command line until I figured out what to do. I essentially ended up using this command line structure to extract files out of RQM, then embed the file into my Word document in the macro.
java -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.transport.client.protocol=TLSv1.2 -jar "RQMUrlUtility.jar" -command GET -user "RQMusername" -password RQMpassword -filepath "the file path for the attachment" -url theRQMURLoftheattachment
RQMUrlUtility: Connected to https://lgrqm.clm.ibmcloud.com using project "rqm.clm.ibmcloud.com"
Attempting to create protocol context using system property: TLSv1.2
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: TLSv1.2 SSLContext not available
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context