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How do I pull step results from test case results using RPE?

Timothy Distel (73356) | asked Jul 25 '18, 11:21 a.m.
edited Jul 27 '18, 2:59 a.m. by Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114)


I am a beginner RPE user, using RPE 2.1.2 pulling information from RQM 6.0.3.

I am looking to pull whether a step was marked pass or fail from a test case result, among other attributes like the tester, actual result, & script ID similar to a question I recently posed:

I want to do this for an entire test plan or test suite and I'm able to correctly set up the URI for my project areas RQM Feed, however I am unsure of 
1. What resource I need to point my URI to(Context: RPE Launcher)
2. Where in my RQM Feed data source I would need to go to obtain this information(Context: RPE Studio)

Ex. 1. To obtain the information I want, what resource do I point to in my URI from this list:

2. What is the corresponding selection in the data source view: feed/entry/content/executionscript or feed/entry/content/suiteexecutionrecord or other

Accepted answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jul 27 '18, 3:44 a.m.

I assume that you are starting from Testplan and iterating through testcases and then testscripts.
If you are configuring the data source for individual test plan, the URI (in RPE Launcher) would be: 
You can add the query feed/entry/content/executionscript or feed/entry/content/suiteexecutionrecord based on the requirement.

Timothy Distel selected this answer as the correct answer

Timothy Distel commented Jul 27 '18, 7:53 a.m.

 I am struggling to understand iterations in RPE. Is there a particular resource you can reference to assist me?

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