I'm running an Python script from RQM. I'm getting this error during execution, 'CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application '
I have customized the command line adapter successfully which is required to run a python script from RQM. When I'm executing a python script from the RQM through test case, and I'm getting a error ' CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application '. Kindly guide me through this.
Aishwarya Sureban
2 answers
Hi Aishwarya,
Sounds like the Python command in the Command Line test script is not being executed correctly (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12637203/why-does-createprocess-give-error-193-1-is-not-a-valid-win32-app). Try running the command outside of the test execution on the host running the Command Line Adapter.
Hi Paul,
I gave gone through the site, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12637203/why-does-createprocess-give-error-193-1-is-not-a-valid-win32-app. But, I'm not getting a clear idea how to start through. Furthermore, I have successfully executed the python script using the Command Prompt of Windows. But, unable to do the same in RQM.
What is the command in the Command Line test script?
This is the command :
start.bat -repository https://d-8832.kpit.com:9443/qm -user PMTJLR -password PMTJLR -adapterName CommandLine -projectArea RQM+Demo+Project -configFile Config2.ini
This is the command to start the Command Line Adapter. I'm referring to the command in the Command Line test script.
Command in the Command Line Test Script is : C:\Users\PMTJLR\Videos\adapters\RQMCommandLineAdapter\script1.py
Hi Paul,
The code in the 'script1.py' is below:
print("Hello World")
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