What Changes exactly triggers Change kind 6
Accepted answer
There is not enough information in your question to give a proper answer.
Where exactly are you seeing "Change Kind 6", and what are you doing in the code where you saw this?
Perhaps you are talking about the return result of IChange.kind()?
The Javadoc implies it could be a "bitwise OR" of different flags. In which case a 6 could be a combination of:
IChange.MODIFY and IChange.RENAME, which implies you could reproduce that by making a change to a file and also renaming it in the same change set.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 28 '18, 1:48 p.m.I assume you are talking about one of the change types returned by the scm command line, but you need to make that explicit in your question. For example, I am using the version x.y of RTC, and I execute this command:
vinitha dsouza
Jun 28 '18, 11:39 p.m.Ok got it.