DNG Report Builder Trend Analysis
I have got some useful results with report builder using 'Current Data' (DNG 6.0.5)
I am now trying the 'Historical Trends' option.
I have added a couple of Stakeholder Requirements (SRs) each day for a few days.
I want to create a simple bar chart showing the number of SRs increasing over time.
It would have Time as the X-axis and Number of SRs as the Y-axis
I have chosen
Report type:- Trends
Source :- LQE (also tried DW)
Limit scope:- Project A
Choose and artifact :- Stakeholder Reqs
Trace relationships:- nothing
Set conditions:- nothing
On the results page choosing Graph there is no option to choose Time as the X-Axis.
If this is a Trend report then surely Time would be the main X-Axis option?
Am I not understanding what is meant by Trend analysis as the report type?
Is there any way to build a bar chart showing something simple like 'number of SRs' changing over time?