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how can we query tcer according to test plan with configuration enabled in RQM by REST API?

jane zhou (1061068) | asked Jun 14 '18, 9:26 a.m.
edited Jun 14 '18, 9:31 a.m.

Hi Someone who may concern

        We are working on CLM 6.0.4.
         We are wondering whether it is supported that query all TCER according to a specified test plan with configuration enabled?
        We have several GC streams including RQM local stream, we want to use REST API to fetch all tcer under specified test plan for a specified stream:

      But it just can not return proper result back.
       However, when we tried to access the same test plan directly under the same GC stream, it can return the content of that test plan properly, so we are sure we used the right configuration.

        So, we are wondering whether something wrong in our REST API command to query TCER? How can we query all TCER according to a specified test plan with configuration enabled?


Best Regards,
Jane Zhou

One answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 25 '18, 6:52 a.m.

Hi Jane, 

Everything you're trying to do is supported in RQM 6.0.4.


GET https://<localhost>:9443/qm/service/[@href='https://<localhost>:9443/qm/service/'])&oslc_config.context=https://<localhost>:9443/gc/configuration/191

Note: This example is URL-decoded for readability.

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