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Entering test script description has no effect

Marie Michelin (14417) | asked Jun 11 '18, 11:46 a.m.


(Using RQM 6.0.2)

I'm trying to enter a description to a manual test script and when I'm saving it, the field is emptied.
This behavior is the same when changing it at the creation step.

I'm pretty new to RQM, so did I miss something ?

Thanks for your help,

One answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 12 '18, 3:09 a.m.

Hi, Marie

It seems you hit the known defect

The fix is available in ifix16 and please apply ifix16 to v602.(if you can not find it from, please contact support to provide it)

Marie Michelin commented Jun 13 '18, 3:48 a.m.

Hi Don,

Thanks for your answer. I'll ask our admin to apply this iFix and tell you if it is better then.
I was looking for something like that but I didn't find this defect.

Thank you,

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