How to use JTS mailing api
Hello ,
I am currently working on a feature to for email notification for JRS application. The authentication is done through JTS.
And we found that JTS has mailing api at https://[Server]:[Port]/jts/mailer". Hence we would like to use the mailing functionality of JTS itself since we would like to use JTS mail configuration.
But we don't know how use this api correctly. Can anyone let us know what is the input or parameters required for this ../mailer api. And also please let us know if there's any documentation for this.
Zeeshan Khan,
Rational Publishing Engine
One answer
You may be interested in this story, rather than trying to implement your own:
HI Jackie ,
Thanks for the reply, actually i am working to implement the same Story :D.
Please let me know if you have any other information.
Zeeshan Khan
I don't have any more information, as I am just a customer who is also very interested in this function! Since it's currently being investigated, we decided to hold off on implementing our own version.