JRS report to show test coverage for the requirements
I am trying to create a report where i want to see the total number of requirements in a collection and those requirements which are covered by any test cases.
In my case , the conditions are
Requirements have State (Requirements_v1.01): Confirmed or Approved
Requirements are part of a release collection named 'Foundation'.
I tried to create the report with above conditions and artifact relation ship as below:
Collection or Module -> Requirement (Required) -> Validated by test Cases (Optional).
Now if i use the 'Add caculated value items' for test cases and requirements , it shows one bar for total requirements and another with total test cases. In case we have one test case covering one requirement then this report is okay, but if link more than one test cases, which is usually the most common scenario, with one requirement this report will not show the correct data.
Could anyone please help me how can i create a report to such kind of data:
Total requirements
Requirements linked to any test cases
Thanks and Regards,
One answer
Hi Arora, what version of the product are you using? Can you do multiple traceability paths?
If so, you could try:
Collection or Module > Requirement (Required)
> Requirement1 (required) > Test Case (required)
Then do the sum on Requirement for total requirements, and the sum on Requirement1 for those with test cases.