RTC Attribute Customization Conditions is not reponded for enumeration value selected
Hi all. I'm writing a Conditions script in RTC to mandate a "large HTML" attribute based on a specific selection of enumeration value checkbox. It works fine in the eclipse client but not showing red asterisk in RTC webUI. The script is very simple as following:
(function() {
var WorkItemAttributes = com.ibm.team.workitem.api.common.WorkItemAttributes;
dojo.declare("com.meritain.isDatatoExternalPartyCheckedTestingTwo", null, {
matches: function(workItem, configuration) {
var impactType = workItem.getValue("impactsType");
var enumValue = impactType.search("ImpactType.literal.l12");
if (enumValue === 1)
return true;
return false;
I also did the same thing for the WI workflow action condition. When user select an action in the Status dropdown list, an asterisk is shown on the attribute without committing Save action.
Is the Cust Attr Conditions not working for enumeration value in RTC webUI (tested with IE, Chrome and Firefox)? If you know any work-around, please let me know.
Thanks, Freddy
One answer
Please look at the API as described: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/AttributeCustomization
The comparison you do to find the literal might be a problem. The API also explains some special considerations for the state/state change.
In short, I have seen many similar conditions that work. Note that you should either CTRL+F5 the browser or close the browser and reopen it if deploying JavaScript attribute customization to make sure the changes are reloaded and caches are cleaned.