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How to get creator and contributor on RTC using OSLC?

I'm trying to retrieve the creator and contributor values in RTC using OSLC in java. The http response is coming back in an html format and not as xml format, only for these two fields.
In RTC 3.x I'm able to get the values because the http response is comping back as xml format for all the fields. I know that in RTC 4.x the oslc format has changed for creator and contributor. Using REST client this is what I get:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:j.0="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" xmlns:j.1="http://jazz.net/xmlns/prod/jazz/jfs/1.0/">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://jazz-server:9443/jts/users/rtcadmin">
<j.1:archived rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean">
RTC Admin
I made the changes on java code to parse "j.0:nick" value and it works correct if I parse it through a xml file. My only problem is getting the http response in html format.
Can someone help me how to get the http response in xml format for creator and contributor ?
Thank you,