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DNG 6.0.4 and RPE - How to Configure and find the module URI and Configuration-Context

Matt Muller (59813674) | asked May 23 '18, 10:50 a.m.


I've started my first look into RPE with Global Config;

I followed the instruction however no data was reported and I put this down to the Schema changing and the addition on the "Configuration-Context:

Does anyone have Guidance on (as I've seen a few different version of RPE with DNG) how to find the DNG Module URI and then how to setup the OSLC Configuration?



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Kumaraswamy Gowda (39115) | answered May 23 '18, 12:22 p.m.

Hi Matt,

How to find DNG module URL

Configuration selection

I hope the above links provides necessary information.


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