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How to do LDAP user properties mapping on RTC Git Integration toolkit.

Hakki Bozkurt (1631328) | asked May 22 '18, 4:32 a.m.
edited May 22 '18, 4:37 a.m.

 Hello All,

My config.json is:

"Auth-Profiles": {
"Ldap-Auth": {
"type": "LDAP",
"url": "ldap://ldap.local:389",
"bindDn": "CN=RTCUSER,OU=UsersOU,DC=ldap,DC=local",
"bindCredentials": "password",
"searchBase": "OU=UserOU,DC=ldap,DC=local",
"searchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={{username}})",
"searchAttributes": null
How can i map e-mail to mail, user id to author?

wrong ldap mapping

Accepted answer

permanent link
Shubjit Naik (1.5k1613) | answered Jan 22 '19, 5:36 a.m.


I see you have already subscribed to the defect and have commented as well. 

For the benefit of others, this issue has been now resolved.


Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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