Possible to find which user is using which version of client?
We have lots of users using RTC 5.0.x clients. Users are world wide. I can see them in this URL ccm/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.counters.ICounterContentServic
One answer
I think it's not possible. What is the propose?
See the ...ccm/admin?internal=true#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.viewCounters and take a look at Compatible client logins.
I am using this URL to get the stats (See my original post).
I need this info to contact the users who uses old clients in order to the get the reasons..
It's OK. I really could not find a way. I've consulted several colleagues and I do not know a path either.
Here in the customer we had problems with users using a client version 4 with CLM 5.0 and this affected the server performance. The solution was to block access from older clients, forcing everyone to use a newer version. The users themselves would contact us to find out what was happening and then we would get the information on why they used older versions, and most of them were because they did not want to spend their time updating.
Maybe it can be one solution for you too.
That was the solution we had in mind. Only issue in this case I see is users are world wide and enabling this would bring the development down. I believe there are reasons why the older clients are in use.