Display DNG's Primary Text field in a RPE report
I am trying to write a simple report to display the artifact number, title, and primary text. Number and title appear but primary text will not. i am using a view in a project as my data source. What is the DTA configuration to display primary Text?
2 answers
View will have number of requirements. You might have to use text schema to print the primaryText. Try if the below links help.
I am having essentially having the same problem using Jazz Reporting Server with DNG 6.0.5.
Hi David,
I do not think your JRS problem is essentially the same as the original RPE problem. The way to create a report is very different, even though they are using the same DNG REST API.
You should remove 'Project', 'Collection or Module ID', 'Type' by clicking X button. For the second question, it is related to Meta Model in Report Builder. There are some similar questions in jazz.net/forum, please search them. If problem persists, raise a new topic, as this is not relevant to original question.