Problem in updating few of test case artifacts using Put request
I want to update few of the artifacts of a test case (not all) to existing test case at RQM. But when I'm sending the put request I'm noticing that all the artifacts are updated in test case at RQM.
The one with changed data values sent through Put request are changed and others are unassigned, and for instance is test script data is not sent via Put then existing link to the test script is removed from test case.
How Can I only change artifacts which I want to change through Put not all.
Can you please help me here or provide details on how to handle this scenario. Thank you!!
- Deepak
One answer
Do a GET on the test case 1st. Parse the XML and then modify the property which you want and PUT back the xml again.
Hi Subhajit, Thank you for your response. Looks like there's only way is to GET test case first then modify and PUT back. I was kind of wanted to avoid to GET since it would result in bit of overhead and performance issue. But looks like there's no other way out.
Are you aware of any procedure using OSLC API to the same..