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RTC 605 CC/CQ synchronizer compatibility with CC/CQ

Norman Dignard (356696177) | asked Apr 18 '18, 7:32 a.m.

We are presently upgrading our JAZZ instance to 6.0.5. In CC/CQ 7.1.2 we have one remaining project group that we will be migrating to Jazz.  The plan, if we were still at 5.0.2 was to use the CC/CQ synchronizers.

Looking at the the IBM compatibility docs they state Jazz 602 and CC/CQ 8.0.  Our problem is we cannot upgrade CC/CQ due to another CC/CQ project group client compatibility.   They are on HPUX running CC/CQ 2003 cleints and cannot switch dev environments. CC no longer supports HPUX as of 7.1.2 and the CC/CQ servers are at the highest version that supported v2003 client connections.  This legacy system is on life support only to address for safety critical issues. It will be phased out over the next year. 

My question is can we run a 605 version of the synchronizers against  CC/CQ 7.1.2 ? 

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 21 '18, 8:04 p.m.

I am not aware of any changes to the CC or CQ Synchronizers that would break compatibility with CC/CQ 7.1.2, but that combination is no longer being tested, so if you did encounter an issue, you would probably have to reproduce the issue with a supported version of CC/CQ in order to get support.

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