GDPR compliance / Validation of deleted work item / scrubbing personal information
We are mandated to implement certain processes to comply with GDPR ( which comes into effect in May. RTC has a delete feature, however, it appears to only delete a reference to the work item through the UI. Looking through the tables the item gets removed from model.work_item, however, the personal information values for the fields in the RTC record still appear in model.WORK_ITEM_STRING_EXTENSIONS
We need a way to fully delete a work item and everything associated with it or a proper method to run a sql script on the database removing the PI
We tried to manually update model.WORK_ITEM_STRING_EXTENSIONS replacing the pi with 'Scrubbed' but the UI still displays the personal information so this data must be stored/cached somewhere else as well
Accepted answer
Hi Thomas,
I think that the following Enhancement 452964: Inability to remove confidential information from history section. Need to meet GDPR compliancy addresses your issue.
Please let us know if that helps.