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"Create work Item from template" keep showing wrong "Created by" field

Thuy Tran (112) | asked Apr 09 '18, 6:02 a.m.

 I've to "Create work Item from template", but instead of showing my account as the "Created by" field, it shows the creator of the template.

Is there any configuration to correct it or just hide "Created by" field.
Hope to have your advises.

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 09 '18, 8:49 p.m.

I'm surprised that you can assign a value for the "Created by", because it should be dictated by the system. Can you simply remove the "Created by" field from the template? You can download it as an XML file and edit it, and then upload back.

Thuy Tran commented Apr 09 '18, 11:56 p.m.

  Hi Donald,

I'm not saying that I can ever assign value for "Created by". It's definitely generated by the system and unchangeable.
I'm new with Rational Team Concert.
But you said  "You can download it as an XML file and edit it, and then upload back."  . 
How can I archive it?
We can not know what type of work item will be created when user "Create work item from template", doesn't it?

Donald Nong commented Apr 10 '18, 12:07 a.m.

I thought the work items that you created from the work item templates had a creator different to yourself. No? Anyway, for more information about export/import work item templates, see below documents.

Thuy Tran commented Apr 10 '18, 3:15 a.m.

 Yeah yeah. You're right. It's different. Actually it's the creator of the template.

Is it a bug from system? Or can we make any change on it?

Donald Nong commented Apr 10 '18, 3:43 a.m.

If what you described is true, it does look like a defect. Please contact IBM Support and verify it.

Thuy Tran commented Apr 10 '18, 4:32 a.m.

Ok. I will contact them.

Thanks for your helps, Donald.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 11 '18, 9:56 a.m.

I just tested this in 6.0.5, and the creator field is set to the user who issued the create command, not the user that originally created the template.   What version of RTC are you using?

Thuy Tran commented Apr 11 '18, 10:48 a.m.

We're using 6.0.4 . Is that the problem about version?

Maybe raising a recommendation for upgrade is needed, isn't it?

Geoffrey Clemm commented Apr 11 '18, 5:12 p.m.

I took a quick look, and didn't see any defects reported in around this behavior, so I'd suggest submitting a PMR to IBM support.   The created-by field should be the user who invoked the "create from template" command, not the user who created the template.

Thuy Tran commented Apr 12 '18, 3:05 a.m.

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