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Unable to use the Plans WebUI for custom Process template.

Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | asked Oct 05 '09, 5:51 p.m.
Using a custom template of our own for a project area, I am getting the following error if i navigate to the plan view.
"ast query not not well formed\n \nIterationPlanRecordQueryModel r = IterationPlanRecordQueryModel.ROOT;\nAstQuery q = (AstQuery) IItemQuery.FACTORY.newInstance(r);\nq.distinct();\nq.filter(r.owner().projectArea()._in(new IString[] {q.newItemHandleArg()})._and(r.iteration()._in())._and(r.owner().contributors()._contains(q.newItemHandleArg()));\nq.orderByAsc(r.iteration().archived());\nq.orderByAsc(r.iteration().internalEndDate());\nq.orderByAsc(r.iteration().internalStartDate());\nq.orderByAsc(r.iteration().name());\nq.orderByAsc(;"

But on the same server for out of box process templates the view comes up and works as expected.
Can you please tell me what could be missing in the custom process template so that i will be able to use the plans web ui view.
I can use the RTC thick client to create a plan and view it in the team artifacts tree as well.

2 answers

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Michael Scharf (781) | answered Oct 07 '09, 6:18 a.m.
On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 23:52:56 +0200, aradhya1982
<aradhya1982> wrote:

e same server for out of box process templates the view comes
up and works as expected.
Can you please tell me what could be missing in the custom process
template so that i will be able to use the plans web ui view.
I can use the RTC thick client to create a plan and view it in the
team artifacts tree as well.

Could you please open a defect with steps to reproduce (preferably the
process template you are using). Please file against "Agile Planning".
Thank you!

Jazz Agile Planning team

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Oct 06 '09, 12:50 p.m.
Using a custom template of our own for a project area, I am getting
the following error if i navigate to the plan view.
"ast query not not well formed\n \nIterationPlanRecordQueryModel
r = IterationPlanRecordQueryModel.ROOT;\nAstQuery q = (AstQuery)

But on the same server for out of box process templates the view comes
up and works as expected.
Can you please tell me what could be missing in the custom process
template so that i will be able to use the plans web ui view.
I can use the RTC thick client to create a plan and view it in the
team artifacts tree as well.

Telling from the query, it looks like you don't have any iterations set up
(or maybe no iterations with the 'has deliverable' flag).

Jazz Work Item Team

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