Make this artifact type a preferred artifact type (?)

What does this option mean when creating an artifact type within an DNG project?
The online doco does not make any reference to this option.
I am trying to create an artifact of base type Text (not base type Module) so this option is not in connection with preferred module content.
Also, while I am here, there is another seemingly undocumented option:-
Make this artifact type a preferred upload option (?)
Accepted answer

Hi Sean,
What it means is everywhere you select an artifact type to 'create', it's going to show those marked as 'preferred' first in the list. Same thing with Link types that you create (vs. those that are already defined in the tool). I select the 'preferred' option for everything myself (Upload, Views, etc.).
3 other answers

I cannot seem to get the 'preferred artifact' option to have any effect.
If I make a dummy project with 3 artifact types
req A
req B
req C
and make req C the only 'preferred artifact' of the 3 it does not appear at the top of the list when i go to create a new artifact in a a new folder.
What is the intended effect of making an artifact type 'preferred' ?