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How to use the REST API v2 not only for Workitems

Stefan Hufnagl (29411920) | asked Oct 05 '09, 10:51 a.m.

I had written a small java program to use the REST API v2. I believe this API is dedicated to Workitems.

My question:
* How can I use the REST API to get other informations? Like project related
or streams?

BTW, if anybody is interested in this Java program, let me know.



2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 12 '09, 3:13 a.m.
Hi Stefan,

I think I remember that the REST API for RTC 2 currently only fully supports workitems. I am not sure what other REST interfaces currently exist.

I am very interested in the code. We have set up an internal small group that collects documentation and examples for extending RTC e.g. to be able to support creating training material, consulting etc.


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Stefan Hufnagl (29411920) | answered Oct 13 '09, 3:12 p.m.
Hi Ralph,

thank you for your interest in the REST API example, I will send it to you. Feel free to extend the example.

BTW, in the next step I will port the source to a ANDROID mobile phone.


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