How to force an explicit login on SSO enabled server using RTC Java API?
Hello everyone,
for some internal tools and our automated tests we are now encountering a problem which is:
Since a few days SSO (Single-Sign-On) based on Kerberos has been enabled on some of our test systems.
Our tools that run against the test systems and also many of our automated tests need to login to these systems using a different user account than the currently logged in windows user.
All this code now fails with the following exception: CRJAZ2844E The following URL could not be reached because the server does not accept a user ID and password for authentication: /rm/service/
Does the server need to be reconfigured to also allow user id and password based authentication or what else could you propose me?
2 answers
First - always give the version of the product you are seeking help for.
Do you want to disable the RTC login from the SSO for all users? Not sure if it could be done only for select users like your automated test user.
There are several questions already asked on this topic --
You are right, sorry for not giving the version: It is 6.0.5 iFix001.
Thank you for the links. While creating this thread the automatic search did not show these pages.
I will read through them.
Yes, I have found many times that my searches don't reveal the questions already asked on the topic because I didn't word something in my search correctly. It can be frustrating to have someone get mad at you for asking a question already asked. I look every time before posting and still have had people get mad at me and close my question!! That gets me mad.
Hi Marko,
I have never looked into Kerberos in detail, so I can't confirm that the following options will work for you, but the following is what came into my mind:
- Allow UserId/Password in general (the obvious and easy solution)
- A second, not well known JTS, where you can limit the number of users that have access to. Only that JTS would allow UserId/Password and will generate the LTPA token necessary to connect to the other apps. (kind of a hack, I know)
- Scripted Authentication, see (looks like the most promising solution)
Cheers, Lukas
Marko Tomljenovic
Mar 05 '18, 7:14 a.m.Some additional point to consider.