Unable to duplicate test case to another project area in RQM 4.0.3
Hi. I am trying to duplicate a test case from one project area to another project area in RQM 4.0.3 version. But unable to complete it. It was trying to map custom attribute as below , but failing.
"Please map the test case custom attributes(s) in project area 'Project1' to the appropriate location(s) in project area 'Project2'"
Finally throwing the error as below
"There are not enough Custom Attributes available in project area 'Project2' to complete the Custom Attributes mapping"
Could you please advise, how to overcome this issue.
One answer
In the latest version, you dont need to map the custom attributes but it does not seem this is an option in v4.0.3.
As this version is old now, I can not verify but from the messages, I think if you go to project2 and create the same custom attributes for testcase as in project1, it should work when you duplicate the test case.