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API Function Issue - Using Global vs Local Variable

Ahounguio Jean Francois (20218) | asked Feb 11 '18, 4:01 a.m.
edited Feb 12 '18, 2:38 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

Query Environment

We are using the following environment

- Platform: IBM CLM v6.0.2

- Patch: iFix14


Query Context

We are compelling a script on DNG v6.0.2 for the following purpose:

- Count the number of artifacts within a module that meet some specific criteria

- Artifact criteria can be: “has a link (i.e. mitigates)” and “has an attribute value (i.e. OK)”

- We are invoking the API Function “RM.Data.GetLinkedArtifacts” to check the links for a given Artefact


Query Issues

We are facing couple of issues when using the API function “RM.Data.GetLinkedArtifacts”

- Issue 01: Inability to use a "Global Variable" inside function “RM.Data.GetLinkedArtifacts”

- Issue 02: Inability to extract result to write to an attribute when using a "Local Variable" in the function “RM.Data.GetLinkedArtifacts” 


Query Questions

Are you able to assist with the following questions:

- Question 01: Is there a way to use a “Global Variable” to store the result to the API function “RM.Data.GetLinkedArtifacts”?

- Question 02: Is there a way to read/extract the value from the API function “RM.Data.GetLinkedArtifacts” when using “Local Variable”?

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