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RTC 6.0.6 M1- Eclipse quit unexpectedly error

John Williams (7358) | asked Jan 12 '18, 11:41 a.m.

Hey, I am on the design team for Continuous Engineering and support the entire CLM portfolio. I need to check some things in the RTC rich client, but am encountering an "Eclipse quit unexpectedly" error. 

I am on a Mac running High Sierra and I have downloaded and am trying to open 6.0.6 M1.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything Java. I don't have a workspace defined from any old installations.

Anyone else ever encounter this type of issue or have any suggestions about what I may do to resolve?


Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 14 '18, 6:25 p.m.

You can try the solution suggested in this post.

1. Right-click on the Eclipse application and choose Show Package Contents.
2. Get into the folder Contents, then MacOS, where you can see the eclipse Unix executable.
3. Double-click on the eclipse executable.

I have used this way to launch various versions of RTC clients for a long time now.

John Williams selected this answer as the correct answer

John Williams commented Jan 15 '18, 11:26 a.m.

 Thanks Donald. I can confirm that this solution works and I can now open RTC on Mac.

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