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How to keep track of hours inserted on task in CCM?

Danielson Silva (111) | asked Jan 10 '18, 7:08 a.m.
edited Jan 10 '18, 8:32 a.m. by Fariz Saracevic (919613)

In every task created, the developers can enter direct and indirect hours associated with certain task. Is there any widget or other solution to ease keeping track of the hours entered in the track?
It could be a widget to tell me how many hours I inserted in certain week in every task associated with me.

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Karthik Krishnan (8845119163) | answered Jan 10 '18, 10:29 a.m.

 Did you explore JRS? if that works, you can publish widgets to RTC dashboards.

Danielson Silva commented Jan 10 '18, 12:09 p.m.

I can't find the inserted hours into the tasks as a field anywhere...

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