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passing system variable to DSX file

Pablo K (291312) | asked Jan 08 '18, 12:26 p.m.


we use RPE2.1.2 here.

I have a working RPE template in windows and the corresponding DSX specification use an stylesheet for the PDF: 

<property name="stylesheet" type="URI" editable="true" visible="true" required="false" value="C:\Program Files\ibm\Rational\Publishing Engine\utils\word\"/>

this works fine, in windows.

now, some users will run this under Linux and of course the path to the stylesheet is different

... value="/opt/IBM/Rational/Publishing Engine/utils/word/"/>

is there any way to have a generic DSX file for both Windows and Linux?

I was thinking on use %RPE_HOME%utils\word\ and $RPE_HOME/utils/word/
(still not very generic, but we could pre process the DSX file...)

otherwise, quick fix is to have 2 DSX files, 1 for windows and 1 for Linux, which is so bad...

hopefully somebody knows a better way?
thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

Accepted answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jan 08 '18, 12:46 p.m.

You can think of multiple options. How about placing the stylesheet and the .dsx file in the same directory and using the relative path?

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Pablo K (291312) | answered Jan 08 '18, 2:41 p.m.


Thanks for replying... We considered that option but have 2 issues with that at least:

- the stylesheet dot file is provided along rpe installation. It is legally redistributable?do you have a link for that? We don't want to have that kind of problems...
- even if possible, we might end up having different stylesheet versions around, which is worst (been there on the past..)

You mentioned there are other options?


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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jan 09 '18, 1:30 a.m.

You can redistribute the sample .dot file as the users have RPE license.
Another option is to use the asset (stylesheet) from RPE Document Builder. The templates and stylesheets from Document Builder are available in Studio / Launcher.

Pablo K commented Jan 09 '18, 8:39 a.m. | edited Jan 09 '18, 8:39 a.m.


thanks for reply, at the end your previous proposal seems to be more practical for now, as the redistribution seems to be not a problem.


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