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Creating configuration file for category item to export contents of List Box in excel sheet to full form for the same in RQM

Priya BR (175) | asked Dec 04 '17, 5:24 a.m.

Hello All,
     I have one Test Plan in excel sheet which includes Test cases.
Each test cases has test methods which is selected accordingly(Ex:-BVA(Boundary Value Analysis,EC(Equivalence Class),DT(Decision Table...))in List Box.
Content of Test Method of each test cases which is in short form(BVA,EC,DT..) in excel sheet has to converted to full form respectively(Boundary Value Analysis(BVA),Equivalence class(EC),Decision Table(DT)...) in RQM.
 Please suggest how to write configuration file to export contents of List Box in excel sheet to full form of Test Methods in RQM.

Accepted answer

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Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Dec 04 '17, 8:52 p.m.


Data extraction syntax from ListBox or other UI element is not supported, you may file for RFE.


Priya BR selected this answer as the correct answer

Priya BR commented Dec 05 '17, 3:22 a.m.

Hi Mehul,
    Thanks for your answer, i can extract value from excel sheet (i,e for example if value is BVA) ,the same can be exported to RQM .This is successful by writing below script in configuration file.

testcase.category term="Applied Test Method"value=I

simillarly i have to read same value that is BVA from excel sheet , but i need to export same value to RQM but in full form that is "boundary value analysis" in category List.
Can i modify same script in configuration file ?

Mehul Patel commented Dec 05 '17, 9:08 a.m.


No, cell text translation/lookup is not possible from configuration file. You need to update/prepare excel file before export such that full form of text is updated in referenced cell.


Priya BR commented Dec 06 '17, 12:40 a.m.

Ok mehul, Got it
Thanks a lot for your answer.

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