Share RQM Artifact template configurations across Project Areas

3 answers

Hi Noel,
My apologies, in order to actually use the newly created artifact template, you will need to export the process template first from 'Manage This Project Area' and then selecting the 'Export Process Template' option. Once the process template has been exported, you can then import it, and when creating a new project area, you would use the new imported process template which will contain the new artifact template as well.
I hope this helps.

Hello Noel,
As you may be aware, the artifact templates are stored as part of the process template, meaning when a new artifact template is created, you should be able to create a new project area choosing the existing process template and you will be able to see the new artifact template(s). You can also export the process template and import it into a different RQM environment and would also see the newly created artifact template when creating a new project area using that template.
Unfortunately there is no way to export the individual test artifact templates itself from within RQM and then import it into an existing project area.
I was also able to find an existing RFE that is currently triaged: