Is there any conflict if "Read-Only Attributes For Condition" and "Required Attributes For Condition" plugin applied on same attribute for different condition?
Consider a scenario where "Read-Only Attributes For Condition" and "Required Attributes For Condition" plugin applied on same attribute.
eg. There are two attributes test_contributor (Contributor type) & test_comment (String).
"Read-Only Attributes For Condition" script which is applied on "test_comment" attribute logic is :
If (logged_in_user is not equal to test_contributor ) {
return true; // Make test_comment as read only
"Required Attributes For Condition" script which is also applied on "test_comment" attribute logic is :
If (logged_in_user is equal to test_contributor ) {
return true; // Make test_comment as required
After applying both plugins on operational behavior, "Read-Only Attributes For Condition" is working as expected. But "Required Attributes For Condition" is not working properly.
* mark is showing for test_comment attribute but user is able to save workitem without any value in test_comment attribute.
Is there any conflict if "Read-Only Attributes For Condition" and "Required Attributes For Condition" plugin applied on same attribute?
Accepted answer
As far as I have tested, if configured correctly, the two conditions work completely independent of each other and don't even know of each other. You can even configure attributes as required and read only. See with some more background.