RQM 6.0.4 Name Uniqueness

Hi We recently upgraded to CLM 6.0.4 from 6.0. It seems like the name uniqueness does not work on RQM anymore. Here is my scenario: Test Plan1: Add a Test Suite: TS1 Generate a TSER with Test Environment Chrome: TS1_Chrome Test Plan2: Add same Test Suite : TS1 Generate TSER with Test Env Chrome: I expect TS1_Chrome(1) to be generated because name uniqueness is selected in the Properties of the QM project. However it throws and error in Test Plan 2 that TS1_Chrome already exists. Please could you test this on 6.0.4 and let me know if this is a bug. Thanks, Leesen
One answer

You could be running into this defect
I see a new PMR has been logged for the same issue, we shall update you shortly through PMR