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RQM 6.0.2 Test Execution Tool ANT Task executeTestCaseExecRecord passwordFile parameter does not work

Richard Good (872861) | asked Oct 18 '17, 7:53 a.m.


I'm creating a ANT build to cover RTC and RQM tasks, things work fine when I pass the RQM task the password parameter and when I use the passwordFile parameter in the RTC tasks, but fail with a

illegal argument exception: problems processing password file error when using it the executeTestCaseExecRecord task. 

Any pointers appreciated, as said above if I replace the passwordFile with password it works fine, but that isn't very secure!



Richard Good commented Oct 18 '17, 8:04 a.m. | edited Oct 18 '17, 8:08 a.m.

There is a finishing "=" inside the generated password key in the password file, could this be causing this bug? It must be some fairly basic encryption as I regenerated the file and got exactly the same key. Any way to make it generate something different?

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Somashakar Kannan (962) | answered Nov 06 '17, 12:11 p.m.

Hi Richard,

Hope this helps you.

Creating encrypted password files

You can create an encrypted password file that you can use with the Rational Team Concert™ Build toolkit Ant tasks or to start the Jazz™ Build Engine.


  1. From a command line, navigate to installdir/buildsystem/buildengine/eclipse, where installdir is the Build System Toolkit installation directory.
  2. Type jbe -createPasswordFile pass.txt .
    Note: pass.txt can be any file name.
  3. When prompted, type the password. The password is encrypted and stored in a pass.txt file that is located in the Build System Toolkit installation directory
    Note: The password file is not strongly encrypted. Any user with access to the file can potentially decrypt it. Set appropriate operating system file permissions on the password file to prevent access from anyone other than the user running the Jazz Build Engine and the Ant tasks. The main benefit of using a password file instead of the password command line argument (for the Jazz Build Engine) or password attribute (for Ant tasks) is to avoid the password being repeated in the clear in build scripts, and the shell history.


Now, instead of specifying passwords in plain text, you can specify an encrypted password file. For example:
<startBuildActivity repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}"


Richard Good commented Nov 06 '17, 1:18 p.m.

Thanks for the attempt at helping me. I know how to create a password file, it just doesn't work in 6.0.2. There is a defect in the tool it works in 6.0.4. Unfortunately the fix has not been back ported and I cannot upgrade.

Defect is here: -

Richard Good commented Nov 22 '17, 10:18 a.m.

Good news, IBM have now fixed it for 6.0.2, hopefully they will update it on their website soon.

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