RDNG: RDNG is running very slow especially when I click on Project Area, dashboards take 15 seconds to appear on screen.
CLM: 6.0.4
DB : DB2 10.5
Dear All,
I am facing slowness issues with RDNG dashboard loading time (it takes 15-20 seconds to appear RM dashboard) and during any operations in RDNG i.e. updating artifacts.
Previously we were using CLM 5.0.2 and RDNG 5.0.2 was running very slow then I have updated the CLM to 6.0.4 version but still facing same slowness issue with RDNG 6.0.4.
From CLM Main Menu, when I click on Requirement Management Project Areas, it also takes time to load all RM projects but when I click on CCM or QM, it works fine for these applications.
One of my colleague deployed extension_war for Mini Dashboards but I have uninstalled it. I have done re-indexing as well but no luck.
Does any one know, what could be the issue?
Tariq Ashraf
2 answers
Performance issues can be quite complex, and upgrading to a newer version does not necessarily give you any performance boost if your existing system has been struggling. You may start by reading these articles.
The takeaway is that DNG needs lots of memory and a fast storage system to perform its best. Of course you may have to take other factors, such as network and database, into consideration as well.
When I access the CLM Requirement Management application over the network, it becomes slow but when I login into CLM Server and open browser from the same server it is running fine. We we are facing this issue only for RDNG not for CCM and RQM.
Note: Our network department has moved CLM server from one domain to another domain.
That appears to be related to network. Compared to RTC and RQM, RDNG has not HTTP requests when loading a page, so network latency (or throughput in general) can affect RDNG performance to a higher degree.
If performance has degraded since the upgrade then the following technote may also help: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21975746