Error reading ServiceProviderCatalog - may be related to 6.0.4 upgrade
I am using a lyo based java code to read RTC data. It worked fine until now. Suddenly, I am getting an exception. The only change I can think of that could cause this is upgrading CLM to 6.0.4. Can anyone understand what could have happened?
The exception happens on this code:
String serviceProviderUrl = client.lookupServiceProviderUrl(catalogUrl, projectArea);
The error message is:
ERROR:A implementation was not found for class org.eclipse.lyo.oslc4j.core.model.ServiceProviderCatalog type and text/html; charset=UTF-8 media type. Verify that all entity providers are correctly registered. Add a custom provider to handle the type and media type if a JAX-RS entity provider does not currently exist.
Donald Nong
Sep 25 '17, 3:37 a.m.Have you had a closer look at the catalog content? What version did you upgrade from?