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REST API: retrieve time sheet entries based on iteration

françois rodier (111) | asked Sep 21 '17, 10:30 a.m.


is there a way to retrive a list of time sheet entries with REST api, based on the date of the time sheet entry, and the iteration concerned?
For now, i can retrieve time sheet entries between two dates with the following criteria:

workItem/timeSheetEntry[projectArea/name='" & CONST_projectName & "' and startDate> " & pStartdate & " and startDate< " & pEnddate & "]/(<my attributes>)"

I would like something like:

workItem/timeSheetEntry[projectArea/name='" & CONST_projectName & "' and startDate> " & pStartdate & " and startDate< " & pEnddate & " and workItem/target/name='<MyIteration>']/(<my attributes>)"

But it's not working :(

Is there a way to do so?

Thanks in advance

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