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Getting 'java.lang.Exception' while saving the work item at local

Princi Verma (28224) | asked Mar 06 '17, 6:05 a.m.
edited Mar 06 '17, 6:06 a.m.


I am getting below exception when I am trying to save the work item to test one plugin at 'https://localhost:7443/jazz'.

java.lang.Exception: Evaluation failed for dojo message bundle: dojo.cldr.nls.en.number
at net.jazz.ajax.model.DojoMessageBundle$LocalizedContent.getContent(
at net.jazz.ajax.model.DojoMessageBundle$LocalizedContent.write(
at net.jazz.ajax.model.DojoMessageBundle.write(
at net.jazz.ajax.servlets.ResourceGraph.writeJavascript(
at net.jazz.ajax.servlets.JavascriptServlet.write(
at net.jazz.ajax.servlets.AbstractResourceServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined incompatible with org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject
at net.jazz.ajax.model.DojoMessageBundle$LocalizedContent.getContent(
... 28 more
16:17:02,684 [1497585987@qtp-100992517-5 @@ 16:16 TestJazzAdmin1 <Initial Page Load@e3d0fe5d-7dd4-48b8-8e89-16193273e8e7> /jazz/web/projects/TestCopyLinked]  WARN net.jazz.ajax/Resources/StyleSheet                  - The StyleSheet "" references a missing image with the path:
16:22:05,803 [jazz: AsynchronousTaskRunner-3 @@ 16:22]  WARN  - CRRTC0240W: Email notifications about changes to work items are not being sent. 

Please provide some help.

Thanks !

One answer

permanent link
Princi Verma (28224) | answered Mar 06 '17, 8:11 a.m.

 Problem resolved after doing the following steps - 

  • Click the Administrator icon in the top right portion of the banner and select Manage Project Areas.
  • Click to open the migrated project area.
  • Go to the Associations section and click Add to open the Add Association window.
  • In the Application list, select local(...).
  • In the Association list, select Uses - Defects.
  • Under Artifact Containers, select the project area.
  • Click OK to associate the local project area with itself as the Defects provider and consumer.
  • Your answer

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