Rational License Key Server Admin and Reporting Tool RCL - Error - Connection does not exist
I have configured CLM on Derby, RLKS Admin on DB2. I get the following error:
ERROR 2017-09-11T12:16:15,587 [Data_Pull215][com.ibm.rcl.data.LicenseDataManagerPool][49] - Connection does not exist : Data_Pull215
Reporting is started just fine. When i go into Database Settings in RLKS Admin, is says it is connected. Any ideas?
Ankit Shah
Sep 11 '17, 12:35 p.m.I also see this on the agent side: iRCL Agent: ERROR 2017-09-11 12:10:01,638 [Default Executor-thread-8][com.ibm.rcl.reporting.core.LicenseAgent] - Converter is NOT_CREATED. Can be started