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Are the following RTC 6.0.2 migration steps, from OLD (SLES) server to NEW (Red Hat) server, correct?

Christopher Starr (44419) | asked Sep 09 '17, 12:41 a.m.

We are migrating our RTC 6.0.2 production server (single server environment) from an OLD server running SLES Linux/Oracle 11.2/Liberty, to a NEW server running Red Hat Linux/Oracle 12.2/Liberty. To perform this server migration, we want to confirm that the following steps are correct. We have tested this approach on a separate RTC test server, and the approach seems to work well, but we want to be sure that we have not missed anything.

Note that

  • Our RTC 6.0.2 production environment uses Jazz Team Server (JTS) and Change and Configuration Management (CCM) only
  • We use LDAP for user authentication
  • Our network is part of a secure enclave that does not have direct access to the Internet, but does allow us to manually transfer IBM packages needed to install RTC into the secure enclave
  • RTC URLs are:



Migration Steps

Step 1 below is run by our Oracle manager Linux user (oracle user), and all other steps below are run by our RTC manager Linux user (rtcmgr user).

Below, $RTC=<RTC installation directory>

Copy data from OLD server to NEW server:

1.       As Oracle manager Linux user (oracle user), export/clone RTC Oracle database from OLD server (Oracle 11.2) to NEW server (Oracle 12.2)

  • On NEW server, create empty Oracle 12.2 database with one container database (CDB) and one pluggable database (PDB)
  • On NEW server, create jts, ccm, and dw tablespaces
  • On NEW server, create jts, ccm, and dw users
  • On OLD server, export jts, ccm, and dw tablespaces from Oracle 11.2 database using expdp
  • On NEW server, import jts, ccm, and dw tablespaces into Oracle 12.2 PDB using impdp

2.       As RTC manager Linux user (rtcmgr user), copy the following five files from OLD server to a temporary holding area on NEW server:

  • $RTC/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/ldapUserRegistry.xml
  • $RTC/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml
  • $RTC/server/liberty/servers/clm/apps/ (large full-help version, 1588456976 bytes)
  • $RTC/server/conf/jts/
  • $RTC/server/conf/ccm/

On NEW server:

3.       Modify /etc/hosts to allow RTC URLs to reference NEW server, while OLD server is still active

  • /etc/hosts: add a line: <IP address of NEW server>

4.       Install new clean version of IBM Installation Manager (IBMIM), version 1.8.7

  • unzip and run userinst

5.       Run IBMIM, add as a repository, and install a new clean version of RTC 6.0.2, installing only JTS and CCM

BEFORE running RTC on NEW server:

6.       Copy the five OLD server files from Step 2 to the following locations, respectively, on the NEW server (note that the first three locations use clmServerTemplate):

  • $RTC/server/liberty/clmServerTemplate/conf/ldapUserRegistry.xml
  • $RTC/server/liberty/clmServerTemplate/server.xml
  • $RTC/server/liberty/clmServerTemplate/apps/ (large full-help version, 1588456976 bytes)
  • $RTC/server/conf/jts/
  • $RTC/server/conf/ccm/

7.       Perform the following steps to finalize preparation of (large full-help version, 1588456976 bytes)

  • cd $RTC/server/liberty/clmServerTemplate/apps
  • rm –rf clmhelp.war    # remove existing clmhelp.war directory
  • mkdir  clmhelp.war    # create empty clmhelp.war directory
  • cd     clmhelp.war    # change directory into the empty clmhelp.war directory
  • cp  ../ .
  • unzip
  • rm
  • # In the existing clmhelp.war directory, there should now be two subdirectories: META-INF and WEB-INF
  • # Leave the large full-help zip file ../ alone

8.       Perform the following steps to prepare JTS and CCM files:

  • Modify old Oracle 11.2 references to point to new Oracle 12.2 references in the files



--> i.e., verify that the following values in the files are correct:

Start RTC on NEW server for the first time:

9.       Start RTC on NEW server

  • cd $RTC/server
  • ./server.startup

10.   Run JTS setup

  • Login to NEW server as an RTC administrator user (to be authenticated with LDAP), and run Linux firefox from the NEW server
  • Connect to
  • Ensure “Custom Setup” is selected and click “Next”
  • All required values should automatically be pulled from files, and all tests should succeed
  • Continue to click “Next” and follow instructions to complete Setup
  • Once Setup is complete, connect to from the same firefox browser and verify RTC is functioning correctly on NEW server

Complete Migration

11.   Change global alias for to point to NEW server

12.   Connect to from any location to access RTC on NEW server

RTC migration is now complete.

We would like to confirm that the above steps are correct. 

2 answers

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 14 '17, 12:11 a.m.
edited Sep 14 '17, 12:11 a.m.

You did not mention index files - are you going to rebuild them? If the repository is large, it can take quite a long time to rebuild the index. If you decide to copy the index files over, you will need to verify the index paths in the files (you may not need to worry about it if the path is relative).

While the below article talks about a different topic - backup/restore, it shows you all the files that you need/want to bring over during a migration.

permanent link
Ulf Arne Bister (1.3k413) | answered Sep 11 '17, 3:19 a.m.


reading through it twice I could not spot any obvious error or omission. Given that you tested this already it would look like you are good to go.
The only thing I could think of: since you are installing 6.0.2 it might be prudent to actually include the latest ifix for that in your setup. You can directly upgrade into 6.0.2 + ifix

- Arne

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