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How to get all workitems created today by scm command and RTC plain API

arun sudarsanam (25210) | asked Sep 01 '17, 7:47 a.m.

 How to get all workitems created today by scm command and RTC plain API.

Need to get a list of all workitems created on that day and write it to excel sheet.
either by SCM command to fetch all workitems created today or by RTC plain API

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 01 '17, 7:56 a.m.

Since Work Items are not SCM objects (can only be linked to them) the SCM command does not provide access to them as far as I know.

With respect to the Java API. Use an expression or an existing query:

Using Expressions for Automation

Using Work Item Queries for Automation

arun sudarsanam selected this answer as the correct answer

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