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Creating Test Plan using RTC SDK - Setting Include All Items

Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | asked Aug 14 '17, 9:21 a.m.

 Hi Jazz Team,

I've questions as I am developing some kind of extension for RTC that is creating plans using RTC SDK. I am able to create plan but I am not able to find where I can change value of Include All Items to false or true.

Is there any flag I can use to change value of this setting from RTC SDK ?.

Thanks a lot.

2 answers

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered Aug 18 '17, 5:27 a.m.

True Ralph, even now I am using mix of Plain Java API with RTC SDK, but even in internal API I am not able to find how to change value of Include All Items to false or true.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 18 '17, 3:28 a.m.
edited Aug 18 '17, 4:47 a.m.

There is no supported API for the agile planning component (you end up using internal API sooner or later). You will have to dig around to find that out.

You might want to consider even looking into an old RTC that still supports the planning component in RTC Eclipse (4.0.x?) to look into the plan configuration wizard. Since there is no longer RTC Eclipse client support for planning I don't know how good maintenance and testing of that API is done and how reliable the API will be.

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