Having RQM handle warnings logged through RFT as something other than passing
I am working on implementing RQM to handle our functional testing efforts.
As it stands now, the tests scripts are all written in RFT. RFT has three possible outcomes for a script.
Fail - If any errors are logged
Warning - If a warning is logged without any errors
Pass - If no Errors or Warnings are logged.
When running the scripts through RQM, they are listed only as pass or fail. The warning scripts are listed among the passing. Is there any way to change that? I see that RQM does not have an warning status, but is there any way to map a warning status to inconclusive?
One answer
I don't think RQM has any control on the result mapping, RFTAdapter should do that and RFT adapter is from RFT product hence I doubt RQM can do anything to meet your needs in this situation.
Maybe RFT forum can have more info on this request and RFT support could be the better option:
Constantine Caviris
Sep 05 '17, 10:05 a.m.Logging a script with an end state of warning as anything other than passing is not supported at this time. However, there is a request to add that feature to the adaptor. For any interested, it can be viewed and voted on here