Attribute value dynamically calculated by java code
Operation Parameter Behavior PlugIn can set attribute values based on Work Item Save event.
Can the value of the attribute be calculated dynamically by a plugin based on the change of another attribute (not based on Save event). For example: Attribute 2 should set based on the value chosen for Enum Attribute 1.
2 answers
Your description is pretty vague. So if you want an answer write up a more precise example, if you want an answer
You can use follow up actions or attribute customization to access the attributes. If you can access RQM/DNG data depends on the choices of the approaches and and are not totally clear to me.
If the value of the attribute is calculated, the user would NOT have to choose it at all. So, I can't answer and likely would only be able to tell if I did some prototypes which I don't have time to do.
Rather this use case is within RTC:
Project Setup: Attribute 1 & Attr 2 is are Value Sets. (values of Attr 2 depends on Attr 1).
Behavior intended: User selects Attr 1; Values of Attr 2 is calculated by rtc plugin & display as an Enum. (PlugIn pulls data from parent and child work items). User selects the intended value for Attr 2 and presses the Save button.
Thie is an example that works:
Project Setup: Attribute 1 & Attr 2 is are Value Sets. (values of Attr 2 depends on Attr 1).
Behavior intended: User selects Attr 1; Values of Attr 2 is calculated by rtc plugin & display as an Enum. (PlugIn uses the linked data from RQM & DNG). User selects the intended value for Attr 2 and presses the Save button.
Please note that Save event does not trigger the plugin in this case.
Is this possible ?