OSLC REST call to create the baseline for a given stream of an project area in Global Configuration.
Accepted answer
Hi Keerti,
If your question is how to create a global baseline from a global stream via a REST call, then the answer is that, in 6.0.3 and earlier, there is no support for this via a public API. In GCM 6.0.4, there is now a public REST API that is documented under gcContextRoot/doc/scenarios. This includes OSLC compliant services that are documented in the OSLC Core specification, and the OSLC Configuration Management specification. It also includes GCM-specific non-OSLC services, and this includes creating a global baseline from a global stream. The public documentation includes examples of discovery and service usage.
Best regards,
One other answer
The basic documentation is in the OSLC Configuration Management specification (part 3).
For example, given an RTC stream:
a oslc_config:Stream ;
oslc_config:baselines <https://demo.example.com:18443/ccm/rtcoslc/scm/config/s/_QG1T8GJyEeeEbsn97kjxyg/baselines> ;...
The oslc_config:baselines property is a container showing all of the baselines associated with the stream. A POST is done to that container to create a new baseline (i.e. RTC Snapshot). The data for the POST is the RDF specifying any attributes to be explicitly set:
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .<>
dcterms:description "This is my snapshot" ;
dcterms:title "Snapshot 170706-001" .
I don't know about GC specific stuff like the staging areas, etc.