Why is the RTC REST API returning the wrong modified date on my work item?
I am using the RTC 6.0.2 REST API to return itemHistory records, but I've run across one work item where the modified dates don't correspond to what is shown in the "History" tab on the UI. What's more, the itemHistory/modified and itemHistory/dayModified fields are off by a day.
I'm using the following REST QUERY:
For the most part, the data is spot on with what is shown in the History tab, but I've found this one work item that is off by a day. What could be causing this? Should I open a PMR?
Accepted answer
Please report this as a bug.
I have heard of a case where the GUI ignores "insignificant" changes, while the reporting system does not.
In the bug report, please identify what changes are being shown by the REST service, but are not being shown in the GUI (or vice versa).