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Set Project Template in DNG via APIs

Avery Granum (3115) | asked Jun 06 '17, 10:23 a.m.

I'm attempting to create a DNG project area with a specified Project Template (Note: not Process Template), however I cannot find any documented ways to achieve this.  I've used this wiki guide but it seems to refer to the process template, which I have already set.

I've also attempted to recreate the REST calls made by the web UI using the google chrome developer tools to see POST methods made during the project creation.  I have only been able to create the project successfully without a specified Project Template, which is well documented here:

Is there a documented way to achieve this project creation with a supplied template?

Thank you.

Donald Nong commented Jun 06 '17, 11:50 p.m.

I'm not aware of any such published APIs. What is the reason for creating projects programmatically?

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