Error during Global Configuration Baseline creation

On my Global Configuration project area I've created a Stream and I've added the following streams
- 1 DNG Stream
- 1 DM Stream
- 1 RTC Stream
When I try to create a global configuration baseline, I receive the following error message
Failed to commit baseline because one or more streams in the hierarchy cannot be baselined.ID CRJGC3036Ehide details
The following streams cannot be baselined:
Stream2 - hide details
CRJGC3004E The configuration provider for the "Stream2" stream does not support automated baseline creation. The baseline could not be committed because the "Stream2" configuration is a stream, and the configuration provider does not support automated baseline creation. Create a baseline of "Stream2" from the configuration provider directly. Next, replace "Stream2" with that baseline in Global Configuration Management. Then try to commit the baseline again.
Click the Baseline Staging Stream name and then fix the errors that stopped the baseline hierarchy creation. After you fix the errors, commit the baseline hierarchy.
The following streams cannot be baselined:
Stream2 - hide details
CRJGC3004E The configuration provider for the "Stream2" stream does not support automated baseline creation. The baseline could not be committed because the "Stream2" configuration is a stream, and the configuration provider does not support automated baseline creation. Create a baseline of "Stream2" from the configuration provider directly. Next, replace "Stream2" with that baseline in Global Configuration Management. Then try to commit the baseline again.
Click the Baseline Staging Stream name and then fix the errors that stopped the baseline hierarchy creation. After you fix the errors, commit the baseline hierarchy.
Replacing the RTC stream with a RTC snapshot I'm able to create a Global Configuration Baseline.
Is this a correct behaviour? Can I configure RTC in order to enable the automated baseline creation?
Thanks in advance.
One answer

This functionality has been implemented for RTC 6.0.4.
See work item: