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RTC OSLC Rest API - is creating a query using enumeration list attribute possible?

Sian O'Briain (351021) | asked Sep 22 '15, 6:35 a.m.


above returns all work items, not just the ones where this attribute equals 'yes'. I understand that it is a collection (depicted as checkboxes in our editor) so the custom attribute in this case can have multiple values

Is this task achievable? Thanks

3 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 29 '15, 12:12 a.m.
Similar to your other post, it's not about the collection nature of the attribute, but rather the support for partial representation when searching.

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Alain robert (1156) | answered Mar 20 '16, 4:22 a.m.
Have you been able to query on an enumerated list?
I am using  oslc_cm.query=rtc_cm:Affected_Versions_EL=%22*8.5*%22& with no success it is working fine when the attribute is not a list ...


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Sian O'Briain (351021) | answered Mar 24 '16, 7:39 a.m.
try using the ID of the literal


I would also look into using oslc core version 2.0 and the oslc.where parameter

Sian O'Briain commented Mar 24 '16, 7:39 a.m.

also forgot to ask is this an enumeration list attribute i.e multiple choice?

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