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Is it possible to unarchive some resources?

We are working with RTC 6.0.2 under Windows Srv 12 R2, WAS and DB2.
I archived a couple of Enterprise Definitions (sourceLibrary and objectLibrary), because we get a "already defined" error message trying to create Enterprise Definitions in another project area.
Despite the archived status, the error still persists. I tried to delete those resources, but it fails. Is there any way to unarchive them so we can delete them?
One answer

Are you familiar with the ant based system definition generator? Take a look at the Mortgage application sample, which contains a setuprtcz.xml ant script and look at the export and delete tasks. i would export all of your system definitions (note that v6.0.3+ RTC clients seem to have a bug that excludes some attributes so stick with a v6.0.2 client) and then rerun the script with the delete task to wipe all of the system definitions. Then run the exported script to recreate the definitions without all of the archived baggage.